LXJS 2013

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Este mês, nos dias 2 e 3 e Outubro ocorreu o LXJS 2013 no cinema São Jorge com speakers bastante interessantes que trabalham na Mozilla, Adobe, Triumf, Sauce Labs e Google. E muito outros com produtos, experiência e casos interessantes para partilhar!

O LX JS 2013 foi organizado por voluntários e com a ajuda dos vários sponsors, conseguiram reunir uma conferência muito bem estruturada e que, na minha opinião, correu lindamente, sem grandes atrasos e apenas com um projector um pouco desfocado no primeiro dia que trataram de arranjar solução e que ficou tudo óptimo no segundo dia. Passaram as apresentações em live streaming e colocaram tudo também no youtube (só não encontrei duas...).

Adorei a conferência! Foram dois dias inteiros cheios de apresentações que vou partilhar aqui, com algumas notas e links que tirei na altura, que estão nos vídeos mas como são 37 facilita a identificação do que falaram mais facilmente.

LXJS 2013


1. Jed Schmidt

Resident web geek, UNIQLO, @jedschmidt

Foi uma introdução bem leve e divertida sobre o que aconteceu na conferência do ano passado e o que teriamos na de 2013.

Keywords: css conf 2013, browserver, jed toolkit, observations about language, tomorrow`s quick hack is tomorrow`s headache


2. Robert Nyman

Technical Evangelist, Mozilla, @robertnyman

Keywords: Firefox OS, ZTE phonepowered by Firefox OS, device proximity (max: 10cm until now), Firefox OS Simulator, Boilerplate App, App manager.


3. Estelle Weyl

Author, speaker, trainer, consultant, @standardista

Keywords: Mobile performance considerations in the mobile world, you have to consider the limitations: battery, latency, memory, responsiveness, don`t use javascript animations, prefer CSS animations, don`t use setTimeout nor set Interval, ads consume a lot, SVG


4. Jonathan Lipps

Senior software developer, Sauce Labs, @jlipps

Keywords: guy that plays demo with a guitar with android and iphone simulators, director to join the transcript; appium - cross platform solution - real devices, simulators, native apps, etc.; webservice - Selenium (automator); Yiewd; wd.js - good callback; appium robots



5. Martin Naumann

Technical leader, Central Way, @AVGP

Keywords: responsive UX with hybrid mobile apps; angular.js, lungo.js, situation.js; Remote DOM Group @ w3c; Mozilla web APIs


6. Laura Kalbag

Freelance designer, @laurakalbag

Keywords: designing for acessibility, webaxe.org, webaim.org, colororacle.org


7. Tim Park

Engineer in residence, microsoft accelerators, @timpark

Keywords: nitrogen.js



8. Adam Baldwin

Team Lead, ^LIFT SECURITY, @adam_baldwin

Keywords: node security project, nodesecurity.io, nodeschool.io


9. Rod Vagg

Javascript developer, @rvagg

Keywords: LevelDB by Google - get(), pull(), del(); Atomic Batch(); Log Structure Merge Tree (LSM); Primitive Batch


10. Dominic Tarr

Chief mad scientist nearform, @dominictarr

Keywords: Node.js, Scalable, Replication, Master slave - each write is logged with sequence number, Scuttlebutt, Merkle tree, Sharding, Cypherlinks, git.js, peer-cdn


11. Mike Brevoort

Doer and engineer, pearson, @mbrevoort

Keywords: Thalassa - three node.js modules + haproxy; Aqueduct - Manages API and HAProxy proccess


12. Ivan Babrou

Software engineer, topface, @ibobrik

Keywords: NGINX, SSD for cache, resizing on the fly: saves disk but eats CPU, ngx_http_image_filter; Backpack - storage, node.js; Keep index in memory; Coordinator (node - regular node, not node.js); Zookeeper - coordinator services; Shards (aka buckets); replicator - so there won`t be downtime, works inside the shards,distributes shards across server

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13. Michael Budzynski

Boot to gecko developer, mozilla, @michaelbe

Keywords: ongamestart.com, acelerometer, gamepad API, getUserMedia (audio and video), webGL - 3d browser, WebAPI in future?, Proximity, WebFM, BatteryStatus, Ambient Light Sensor, kittydar (facedetect for cats)


14. Shane Hudson

Freelance website developer, @shanehudson

Keywords: JavaScript Gaming, The State of Play; WebRTC: peer connection, media streams, data channels; Peer to peer, Multiplayer game, Reduce server load, Privacy; Need a server for signaling and prevent cheating; Computer Vision; Web Audio API, Live Input


15. Tancredi Trugenberger

creative dev, memrise, @liquidimage_

Keywords: HTML5, Coffeescript, DOM + SVG, Cordova (apache phonegap); Express.js server; Gameloop based on requestAnimationFrame; Box2DWeb to move stuff around; transit.js; level editor; JSON game_data (levels, sprites, entities); Unity tool. Weapons: Canvas, WebGL, DOM, SVG. Ports: Box2D, Bullet. Native.js, Cannon JS, Verlet JS


16. Charlie Crane

Senior engineer, Netease, @xiecc

Keywords: State of pomelo - game server framework for node.js: Mobile game, Web game, Social game, MMORPG (middle scale); BrowserQuest; Google gritsgame



17. Mark Boas

developer happyworm, founder hyperaudio inc, @maboa

Keywords: hyperaudio, hypertranscripts, hyperaudio pad - shareable, discoverable, remixable, seriously.js - library allow to addeffects



18. Angelina Fabbro and Bill Mills

@angelinamagnum / @billdoesphysics

Keywords: State of programming in the scientific community; test driven development (TDD) vs behavior driven development (BDD); interdisciplinaryprogramming.com


Segundo dia



19. Aral Balkan

designer, prometheus, @aral

Keywords: Schnail Mail; http://thelink.is/uxtalk - 45m talk about UX; http://tacma.net; design is not veneer; google ingress; loone; aralbalkan.com; indiedata.org; Prometheus phone to compete on UX - http://codename-prometheus.eu; assumption (designer) leads to creation (developer) who informs the designer (cycle)



20. Caolan McMahon and Alex Feyerke

@caolan / @espylaub

Keywords: Hoodie - very fast web app development; eg: hoodie.account.signUp(username, password);


21. André Cruz & Marco Oliveira

Software engineer at Baboom / CTO at Baboom, @satazor / @sonicspot

Keywords: Bower; mout (module utils); moment.js; bower.io


22. Oli Evans

Bespoke web tailor, @olizilla

Keywords: Meteor; update people moves live; goto.meteor.com; blackboard.meteor.com; asciify.meteor.com; foam.meteor.com; lxjs.meteor.com


23. Brian Leroux

Software developer, adobe, @brianleroux

Keywords: Phonegap project is cease to exist; principes vs practice; equanimity;cordova.io; topwat.io


24. Dustin Diaz

Frontend architect, change.org, @ded

Keywords: lessons learnt (no slides); worked on yahoo, google and twitter


25. Hannah Wolfe

CTO and Co-founder Ghost, @EricDS

Keywords: Ghost - blog platform; node.js, express, handlebars, bookshelf.js, then, knex.js, backbone; ghost.org


26. Peter Johnson

node.js developer, indie game developer, @insertcoffee

Keywords: startups; be careful with over optimistic deadlines; air for success, plan for failure


Node Core

27. Vyacheslav Egorov

Software engineer, google, @mraleph

Keywords: benchmarks; jsperf - performance; dead code elimination; avoid dead code; avoid constants; avoid loop invariants; verify results; loop unrolling; don`t do micro benchmarks; browserscope; IRHydra.googlecode.com


28. Bert Belder

Node.js core developer, strongloop founder, @piscisaureus

Keywords:ideas for node.js 2.0


29. James Halliday

Unix philosopher, @substack

Keywords: modularity - put everything in NPM; browserify


30. Thorsten Lorenz

Javascript developer, @thlorenz

Keywords: Streams; readable(push and pull streams); writable-destination of data; transform; back pressure; consuming streams; implement streams



31. Domenic Denicola


Keywords: Webstandards; ecma



32. Raquel Velez

Robotics engineer, @rockbot

Keywords: nodebots; arduino; nodebots day; vektor; robot - sensors, servo; rcbt - rockbot


33. Gilles Rupert

Frontend engineer, @gillesruppert

Keywords: node.js; arduino


34. Andrew Nesbitt

Full stack web developer, @teabass

Keywords: ar-drone-gps; QRcode on front of drone; voxel drone


35. Chris Bumgardner

CTO co-founder Skycatch, @chrisbumgardner

Keywords: flying APIs


36. Sara Chipps

CTO LEVO League / Co-founder Girl Develop it, @SaraJChipps

Keywords: wearable tech; espruino; tessel


Closing keynote

37. Adam Brault

andyet, @adambrault

Keywords: Weakness; we respond to weakness with: defensive (anger) and comparison (envy); we should turn: defensive into reflecting, comparison into compassion; shame and security - http://blog.andyet.com/2013/09/11/shame-and-security; speak our fears out loud = strength gained; Comunities; Limitation - feeling limited, listen to that feeling and back up; Dunbars Number - number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships; Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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